Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Oh hello, it's me again

I'm back.

After a rather lengthy hiatus, Ici et La's engines are grinding once again.

So much time has passed, so many months, so many seasons, so many parties, so many battles fought, so many walks walked, talks talked, laughs laughed and so much chocolate eaten. So much time spent under the doona, solving Sudoku, curled up on the couch, cuddled in the arms of friends, texting on my mobile, singing along to a favourite tune. So many magazines read until they're dogeared. So many dumplings eaten. So many memories captured in a snapshot. So many new discoveries, new friends, new bands, new clothes, new goals and new experiences. And just a bit more of old books, old hoodies, old friends, old favourites and old music.

So much, so many.

And here I am, back again.


Anonymous said...

Ici et La's gears are grinding once again...?

soph said...

point taken, my bad.

and who are you anonymous?

Anonymous said...

An avidly attentive and catechising reader, of course!