Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Inglourious Basterds

If you haven't already, do yourself a favour and go see Inglourious Basterds.

As with any other movie receiving rave reviews, I was wary, and prepared to be disappointed. A cynical view perhaps, but from past history, a valid one. However, in this case, I think the praise from reviewers and adoring fans was justified.

The central theme of the revenge film - killing Nazis - automatically earns brownie points. Add to that brilliant direction from Quentin Tarantino, an intense yet consistently entertaining script and a talented (and decidely attractive) cast - you've got yourself a quality flick.

And the horrifying, stomach-turning violence that I'd been warned about was somewhat of an exaggeration. Okay, sure, I may have covered my eyes at one or two points in the viewing (one word: scalping), but there was definitely peeking through fingers. If anything, the sheer extent of the death and destruction became quite comical. Why kill off one person when you can slay every character in the scene in a high-speed, messy bloodbath?

Despite running at about 2.5 hours, Inglourious Basterds managed to hold my attention throughout, and the time flew past. Fact and fiction are mixed flawlessly to create a riveting, gory cinematic feast.

All in all - a satisfying, engrossing, tense yet playful WWII representation. A+.

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