Monday, September 3, 2007

Belated Memories Monday #2


ahh its shameful...such a neglectful blogger

anyway here goes, (another) belated memory.

From what I've heard this is the first time I'd been to the snow. Actually, even now it's probably only one of three times I've been there... This was taken on a family trip to Lake Mountain, the nearest snowy area to Melbourne during winter. Whenever we end up looking through our old photo albums with guests, they always laugh at our story that our parents put me in rubber dishwashing gloves, and my lucky brother had plastic bags fastened over his shoes because something had happened to his gumboots. And no this wasn't some quick fix because we were too poor to afford water-proof gloves and boots. God knows what was going through Mum and Dad's heads at the time. Still, I look happy, and i think those awesome pink gumboots make up for what's lacking.

kiss hug

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u have always been very resourceful my dear runtine.. missing drum at medieval day? NO WORRIES! a plastic bowl works just as well..