Monday, September 3, 2007

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's off to bake we go...

Well, I've been baking again! And I have to say this has been my most successful attempt so far! Being Father's Day, i thought I'd be a good little daughter and please Dad with a dessert from his home country.

Greek dad = Greek Easter cookies

Technically it was the wrong celebration to be making them, I realise that, but I thought the fact that I was baking him something was good enough! He'd be chuffed with the fact that I was actually taking interest in something Greek...instead of embarrassing him by not being able to speak or understand the language when his friends try to talk to me!

So i had the house to myself yesterday, and i took advantage of the peace and quiet to get cooking. I'm learning from my past mistakes, i realise that I need to have all the ingredients and utensils out and ready so that I can run through the recipe smoothly without panicking at my inability to find the vanilla essence. I even improvised a bit and cut the measurements so we wouldn't have to eat them for weeks, and swapped some of their ingredients for some a little more Sophie-friendly.

Wanna see?

They tasted goooood. Kinda citrusy, they have a bit of lemon and orange rind in them, but it's a very mild flavour.'s kinda sad i'm so proud, but if you knew how little i like to cook... it's a big thing in my house!

I got the recipe from online, check it out at the site.

Oh, and Dad was chuffed :) mission accomplished.

kiss hug

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