Saturday, August 11, 2007

lolita, yawns and pasta bake

since i woke up today i've been incredibly exhausted... no idea why.
and sitting around in a darkish room watching lolita all arvo didn't help.

so now i'm trying to pep myself up before i head out tonight to my good friend pruey's house. GIRLS NIGHT! yay, its been so long since we've had one...but i'm shattered, because of sickness, i'll be missing out on the obligatory spread of food found at a girls' night at prue's.

no pasta bake!


looking forward to giving my stomach muscles a workout tonight though.
here's just some of what we could expect:

kiss hug

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im a feature piece :)

i really like your blog, i read it once a week as a treat :)

xx i forgot u had those photos they are really cute!!!